Month: February 2019

Four Sides of Calise – Meet the Girls

First, let me premise this by saying that I in no way shape or form take credit for this as an original concept.  “Personality Sides” were introduced to me by a really good friend on a later aLBoP forum, as a self-exploration exercise which, no surprise to anyone, I really love doing, as I’m pretty obsessed with myself and why the crap I do what I do.  That’s embarrassing to admit, straight off, but if you don’t like me or exploring my internal processes, then you should probably leave the website with my name at the top of the page, because this site is going to be exactly what it says on the tin.  (Nothing like starting a blog and immediately telling people to leave; off to a great start, Calisey.)

When my friend shared the exercise, she credited Thomas Sanders and linked his first video on the topic.  Honestly, I’ve watched a lot more of his Vine compilations and not much of his longer YouTube stuff, but he seems like a sweet, earnest fellow, and I appreciate him coming up with this idea, because it’s helped me immensely since I tried it, sometime in early 2018 I think.  I could look when exactly, but I’m lazy right now.

But the short version and purpose of “Personality Sides,” is breaking yourself down into sides of who you are, kinda akin to Inside Out (which I’ve actually only seen like half of), as sorta the little committee that runs your brain lol, in order to explore more about who you are and what’s going on inside you.  Everyone’s sides will be different.  I do think it’s interesting though, that as we explored our different sides on that forum, most people seemed to find themselves with four sides.  Now I think there are cognitive and dichotomous patterns behind that, but that’s not really what I want to go into here. Continue reading

Welcome and Stuff

This personal blog has been a long time coming.  For those who don’t know me yet, my main site and pride and joy of nearly 6 years is A Little Bit of Personality, or aLBoP.  (Still working on the acronym for this one, because “aLBoC” sounds dumb… of course that’s what I said about aLBoP at first, lol.)  But I’ve known for a good year and a half or more that I wanted to start a personal site, and that I wanted its moniker to be a spin-off of aLBoP, and a play on “a little bit,” as well as an apt description of what I want this site to be.

love aLBoP.  It’s a challenge, and I get overwhelmed sometimes (read: often) with all the plates it leaves spinning in the air.  And even though we have some good silly fun over there, its purpose is still fairly serious and focused.  And although helping people understand themselves and how they think on a complex personal level is a great way to invite people to consider new things and to put down their defenses, making it an awesome on-ramp for aLBoP Phase 2 and beyond… I don’t always want to talk about only cognition and personality typing.  I’m really good at that 😉, but that’s not all I’m really good at!

I want to screw around with DIY stuff, clothes, tech stuff, fiction writing, and whatever the *bleep* else I feel like!  aLBoP is Calise, but it’s only one aspect of Calise; a really big aspect that incorporates so many more hopes and plans and friends and desires to help people, but still not all of me.

And while I’ve met pretty much all my best friends (besides like Justin and my mom lol) through aLBoP, a lot of the people who search online for “personality typing” and related topics can actually be pretty annoying, arrogant, and narrowly focused.  The many awesome people I’ve met via aLBoP still seem to be the exception rather than the rule, unfortunately.

So I want fresh blood (*fangs*).  I want friends from the rest of the internet, like the places I explore, mom blogs and DIY sites and stuff.  And ya, if I’m being honest, I hope my aLBoCal (does that work? idk lol) friends check out aLBoP too.  And then I’d be able to help people from all different interests and categories!  And I’d be able to help them feel like anyone can be a hero, and that the way they think and the things that are important to them are good!  And we can all group hug and stuff!! 😍💖🌈🦄

*Ahem*  Or not, y’know, it’s cool.  I can be cool.

In any case, this site will be an opportunity to explore me-ness, in all its wide varieties.  It’s likely to be messy, because that’s who I am.  But hopefully it’ll be messy in a genuine, charming, it’s-cute-that-she’s-awkward-and-klutzy-and-has-no-filter sort of way, because that’s really all I have going for me, lol.

So I hope you stick around!  If it’s not your thing, I understand.  I haven’t figured out why people like my writing style yet, so if you don’t then have a nice day anyway!  But if you stay, then I think we can be real friends.

Yeah, I really don’t know how to end this now.  I’m about to release Calise on the internet and I’m low-key freaking out.  But let’s do this!